Monday, February 21, 2011

Wish to become!

"I wish to become a fighter pilot... don't know how but I wish to...

"I guess getting into sports would be fun... Maybe playing soccer is a great option... No, I guess cricket is the best

"I feel like I am on stage.... part of the greatest rock band on this earth

"Well this time its final... being a part of a team who developed Apollo 101 feels great

" Hey Rodney, the landing gears are not working... should we call the traffic control

"Well, friends It was wonderful training you all.... Hope you all enjoyed it

"I am left with only one key word to add, and then my character would be ready to be animated

"Wonderful, wonderful, bravo.. you just completed 100mts in 9 seconds... Its a world record

"Powerful is the word my friends... and if you wish you all can attain what you've thought...Serenity is divine

"How do these people manage to remember the dialog where there are hundreds of people watching them.

"Seems like the Lioness is about to prowl... I've set the shutter speed, the focal length is ....

"And cut..... excellent shot!

Phew! too much for an ambition. What should I choose what should I not? It would be hard if the thought of becoming all of these at once would pop up. Every child growing up has his / her list of ambitions and what one becomes, is a sheer stroke of what he decides, based on his experiences and inclinations towards certain profiles, while growing up. I don't remember anyone at the age of 4 saying he wanted to become a pilot, and he did. But there are people who have done what they wanted to do all their life.

Circumstances, the upbringing, the passion, the possibilities, the exposure, the inclination and niche.... leads to the a final goal in life. Now you are kidding. All these doesn't even contribute, a little less to what a person becomes ultimately. For me, it is wonderful!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

For winds my gust,
For birds may fly,
A little bit of hello,
A small bit of hi,

The first of the kiss,
The best of the bliss,
The face with the glow,
We'll take it slow

I'll not even beg,
I'll not even ask,
I am what I am,
I don't wear a mask

For once I'd want
You to say Fine
I just want to ask
Will you be my Valentine?

Happy Valentine's Day